
The following helpful brochures are in Adobe PDF format. You can download the free Adobe Reader here.

We who grieve

Caring for a grieving friend

Explaining death to our children

Helping children cope with death

Caring for a workmate in their grief

Caring for a dying relative or friend

We Christians who grieve

Coping with grief at Christmas time

Bereavement Support

At Harrison’s we are committed to providing the best possible support for those who have lost a loved one, not only before and during the funeral service, but after. Your consultant will call you after the funeral for a follow up and advise you when the death certificate is sent out. Families are encouraged to contact us should they wish support from us, whether it be for just a talk or for us to provide information on grief.

Remembrance Services

At Harrison’s we hold a Remembrance Service in December for those who have lost a loved one. The services are held at both our Ridgehaven and Queenstown Chapels, for those who have lost a loved one in the year prior and an invitation will be sent, but anyone who wishes to attend is more than welcome.

Live Streaming

  • All services can be live streamed
  • Recording of the service can be recovered for up to 12 months and can be downloaded

This is a free service at our Harrison Chapels. Please contact us for more information.